Congratulations to the March "Panthers of the Month" recipients! Pictured are Portia Rusher (third grade) and Clara O'Donnell (second grade) with their teachers! The staff members who nominated these students said...
"Portia is such a kind and compassionate Park Panther! She is always going out of her way to ensure that everyone is included and taken care of at school. She works hard, has integrity, and exemplifies what we expect of our students each and every day!"
"I would like to nominate Clara O'Donnell for the Panther of the Month. Clara is a great Park Panther for many reasons. To start off with, she is respectful. She treats her friends and her teachers like precious gold. She is caring and helpful, always. Next, she is responsible. She treats the classroom materials like they are her own. She always brings back homework on time. In addition, Clara is kind! She is helpful, smiling, and gives her friends and teachers her full attention. Lastly, Clara is always safe. She shows her friends and teachers that she cares by treating their hearts with love. I believe Clara makes a GREAT Park Panther!"
Each month at Park, we highlight students who go above and beyond to show kindness, responsibility, respect, and safety! Students can also be nominated by showing integrity, speaking with good purpose, being committed to doing their best, and more! Each months' recipients receive a "BeKind" yard sign to display at home, have their picture on our Park webpage, and join Mr. Waggoner for "Popcorn with the Principal!" We are proud to be Panthers!