January and February Panthers of the Month!

Congratulations to the January and February "Panthers of the Month" recipients! Pictured are Ruby Denny (Kindergarten), Leo Miller (First Grade), Drake Huber (Third Grade), and Clara Wagner-Wiechman (Fifth Grade) with their teachers! The staff members who nominated these students said...
"Ruby is an extremely hard worker, she is constantly showing integrity in and out of the classroom. She is a leader in my classroom and is always listening, participating, and ready to learn. I have seen her growth tremendously socially, emotionally, and academically since the beginning of the year. I am very proud of Ruby and I absolutely Love her her in my class this year!"
"Leo is always modeling integrity in our classroom. He is always one of the first students his fellow peers look to if they are unsure of a direction because he is modeling expected behavior. Leo is such a kind hearted child, too. He is more than willing to help anyone out who may need it. Leo is often found picking up trash around the room, or asking to help in any way that he can. Leo is a student who consistently models integrity. Whether we are walking down the hallway, at lunch, having assemblies, or listening to a lesson, Leo is showing integrity. I think that Leo definitely deserves to be Park's Panther of the Month!"
"It is my pleasure to nominate Drake Huber for the Panther of the Month award. Without a doubt, Drake is a leader and exceptional role model within our classroom. He has a pleasant personality and makes everyday a great day!"
"From the moment Clara walks into school, she is in a positive mood! She follows every expectation consistently and is one that we can all rely on!" 
Each month at Park, we highlight students who go above and beyond to show kindness, responsibility, respect, and safety! Students can also be nominated by showing integrity, speaking with good purpose, being committed to doing their best, and more! Each months' recipients receive a "BeKind" yard sign to display at home, have their picture on our Park webpage, and join Mr. Waggoner for "Popcorn with the Principal!" We are proud to be Panthers!
KindergartenFirst Grade
Third Grader5th Grader