February Parent-Teacher Conference Sign Ups and Book Fair!

Parent-Teacher Conferences are just around the corner! Conferences will be held the evenings of February 7th and 12th from 5:00-9:00, and from 1:00-6:00 on the 14th. Parent-Teacher Conferences offer families an opportunity to meet individually with their child's teacher, to highlight strengths, and to discuss areas of growth as we continue through the school year. We encourage all parents to attend!
A blue sign up sheet will be coming home with your student on Friday, January 26th and should be returned right away by Monday, January 29th so Mrs. Stocker can get everyone scheduled. Please look through the information and return the sheet to our office indicating which date/time works best for you. 
Additionally, our Fall Book Fair will be open on February 7th and 12th during Parent-Teacher Conferences (5:00-8:30), and after school on the 13th from 3:30-4:30. Students will also have the opportunity to shop during media class on February 7th and 8th if they bring money or have e-wallet funds available. The Book Fair will NOT be open on Wednesday, February 14th.
If you are able and willing, we are in need of a few parent volunteers to help run the cash register during conferences on Wednesday, February 7th. The register is easy to use and we will have someone available to train you on how to use it. We appreciate your help!
Please contact Mrs. Stocker in our office if you have questions! See you soon!