Congratulations to November's "Panthers of the Month" recipients! Pictured are Everleigh O'Flannagan (Kindergarten) and Kyra Stevens (4th Grade) with their teachers! The staff members who nominated these students said...
"Everleigh has a wealth of knowledge that she is always sharing with the class and is always participating in my lessons. She is such a kind friend to all other students, she is ready to listen and learn, and she is a leader in our classroom!"
"Kyra has worked hard in her classes. She always volunteers to help others around her. She sees that things need done and does them without being asked."
Each month at Park, we highlight students who go above and beyond to show kindness, responsibility, respect, and safety! Students can also be nominated by showing integrity, speaking with good purpose, being committed to doing their best, and more! Each month's recipients will receive a "BeKind" yard sign to display at home, have their picture on our Park webpage, and join Mr. Waggoner for "Popcorn with the Principal!" We are proud to be Panthers!