September Panthers of the Month!

Congratulations to September's "Panthers of the Month" recipients! Pictured are Weston Burns (1st Grade) and Ruby Martin (5th) with their teachers! The staff members who nominated Weston and Ruby said...
"Weston works incredibly hard! He isn't afraid to try new skills and cheerfully perseveres through any task. His kindness and humor are evident to every student in our room. Overall, he demonstrates great balance! We are so lucky to have him in our room!"
"Ruby demonstrates patience and kindness to her peers each and every day. Without being asked, she uses her kind, gentle words to assist her fellow classmates in following directions. I am so luck to have this outstanding young lady as part of my classroom, as she is always looking to make the day a bit brighter."
Each month at Park, we highlight students who go above and beyond to show kindness, responsibility, respect, and safety! Students can also be nominated by showing integrity, speaking with good purpose, being committed to doing their best, and more! Each month's recipients will receive a "BeKind" yard sign to display at home, have their picture on our Park webpage, and join Mr. Waggoner for "Popcorn with the Principal!" We are proud to be Panthers!
1st Grader5th Grade