Help Your Child Prepare for Cold Weather!

Winter is upon us! We will be going outside for recess unless the weather keeps us in. KPS guidelines state that elementary students go outside for recess unless the air temperature or wind chill is less than 0 degrees. While we try to follow these guidelines, there will be instances where we have indoor recess and the wind chill is above 0' (ice, snow, bitter cold, etc.)
Please remember to help your child dress accordingly each day! Layers and tennis shoes are always a great option for this time of year. Heavy coats, hats, and gloves are also staples to bring to school each day. Students will only be permitted to play in the snow during morning and afternoon recesses if they have snow boots on. Many kids bring their boots with them to change into during recess time.
Our Lost & Found is pretty full, so make sure you have your child's name written on the tags of coats, hats, gloves, etc. This will help us return those items to their correct owner. 
Thank you for helping to keep your child prepared and safe!